Picture Gallery & Club Posts

2023 White Mountain Tango Endurance Ride

The 2nd Annual White Mountain Tango Endurance Ride was held September 15th and 16th in the beautiful Vernon-McNary area. A 25 and 50 mile ride took place each day. There were 25 riders. We once again provided radio communications at 5 check points along the trails each day. The weather was gorgeous and everyone enjoyed being out in the great outdoors!

A huge “Thank you” to the following individuals for taking the time to make this a successful event. Bill Turley – KJ7GYH, Wade Millet – KK7KIG, Mike Abernathy – NM3S, Bret Woodward – KG7PIA, Jody Rammell – KK7IHM and daughter, Lynnlee, Mike Boger –W7IJ, Mark Binnie – W3NYC, Randy Beecroft – W7RJB, George Meyer – W7AGM, Manny – W7AZE and Lynn Rodrigue, Jim Hagan – KE5PZ, Jim Mortensen – W7AZY and Marie Mortensen – N7SKS.

Navajo Code Talker Day

August 14th is designated as the annual Navajo Code Talker Day. In recognition, special event station N7C will be active from August 13-19. Check out the details of this special event here:

N7C at QRZ.com


On Sept. 12, 2023 Herb Goodluck, N7HG attended the KARC meeting and gave a very interesting and informative presentation on the history and legacy of the Navajo Code Talkers.  Herb’s dad, John, was a code talker.   Herb answered questions throughout the evening. Everyone left with a better understanding of how important the role of the Navajo Code Talkers was in WW II.

Field Day 2023 Pictures

The club had two field day sites set up for this year’s Field Day. One at Woodland Lake Park in Pinetop, and the other in Taylor. Both were very successful. We had a good turnout at both locations. At Woodland Lake, about 50 people attended and 5 separate stations were operating. Thank You to Dennis & Bobbye Mills for serving a delicious lunch. The day was spent on the radios, visiting, meeting hams here for the summer, and just enjoying the beautiful outdoors. Here are a few pictures:

The gathering in Taylor was held on Main St., across from the Walmart parking lot. This location had great visibility and many curious visitors stopped by to see what ham radio is all about. Here are a few pictures:

Navajo Code Talkers

Since our club provides communications services and technology in northeastern Arizona, we take a moment to recognize our region’s rich history with radio communications contributions to the service of a grateful nation.  When the need arose, the US government went to the Navajo Nation and Navajo County to find expertise that was not available anywhere else.  The history and contribution of the Navajo Code Talkers during World War II is an interesting chapter in the region’s history and should be remembered and recognized by all. More information is available here:




In 2008, the Najavo Nation erected this memorial to the code talkers in their capitol of Window Rock, Arizona, home to the Navajo Nation Museum.