The Kachina Amateur Radio Club is a non-profit corporation serving the White Mountains of Arizona, and is open to anyone with an interest in amateur radio. We provide a wide variety of programs and activities for our members and the general public including:
- Regular monthly meetings including technical presentations. Time and location are shown on the calendar.
- Providing Amateur Radio license testing. Check here for details.
- Operation of a nightly net on the club’s VHF repeater on Greens Peak. Check here for more details.
- Providing emergency communication in coordination and cooperation with public officials.
- Participating in the annual ARRL Field Day event.
- Participating in other civic events by providing needed communication services.
The club Constitution & By-Laws are available here.
2024 Club Officers
President: Kevin Parmenter, KG5Q
Vice President: Bill Turley, KJ7GYH
Secretary: Marie Mortensen, N7SKS
Treasurer: Dennis Wilkes, W7DRW
At Large Board Members:
Randy Beecroft, W7RJB
Jim Mortensen, W7AZY
Dennis Mills, WA7ZZT
Club Activity Specialists
Kachina club members support club activities in many ways. If you have a question, comment, or would like to help out in any specific area, these specialists may be contacted using the link below. If you’d like to help out, please contact one of the club officers.
The club call sign, W7EH, is used on club events and also on the club repeaters. The W7EH call sign has a long Arizona history. Click on the section below to learn more about this interesting radio history.
History of W7EH, the club call sign
Leon Faber, W7EH, 1898-1995
(provided by Tom Fagan K7DF previously WB7NXH)
An Illinois native, Leon Faber had taken up the hobby of amateur radio in 1913, he was first licensed in 1917 as 9EH. Leon later held 9AMK and W9DAX (see “W9DAX, A Modern Station Specializing in 1750-kc Phone Operation,” QST, Jan 1931). He attended the first ARRL National Convention in 1921.
Leon began to make crystal units in Sandwich, IL. His first customers were other hams. In 1932, Lee Faber formed Faberadio Electric Company, which supplied crystals.
When WWII broke out Leon formed a partnership with James Knights who owned and operated a battery shop in Sandwich. They supplied crystals for the military and, after the war, to many amateur and commercial manufacturers. Their efforts produced the James Knights Company, which became one of the largest crystal manufacturers in the world. It continues today as the CTS-Knights Co.
Leon retired to Phoenix Arizona in the late 1950s, and was an active ARRL member for more than 70 years. A radio pioneer and crystal manufacturer Lee Faber, W7EH, of Phoenix, Arizona, died July 8, 1995. He was 97.
Click here for a longer history of Lee Faber and his pioneering in the early days of radio.
Leon was one of my ham radio Elmers back in the 1970’s.
Tom Fagan K7DF previously WB7NXH