
The Kachina Amateur Radio Club is a 501(c)(3) public charity devoted to serving our community, and we welcome your support.

We provide reliable radio communication services and technical assistance for emergency management support throughout Navajo, Apache, and Coconino Counties in Arizona. These services are provided for fires, floods, snowstorms, pandemics, and manmade incidents such as railroad spills, truck overturns, homeland security incidents and other emergencies. In addition, we have installed and maintain repeaters, duplexers, power systems, emergency backup power, UHF link radios, controllers, antennas, and other related equipment to provide 24/7 communication capabilities throughout the aforementioned counties. 

We also focus on training and education by providing classes for those interested in obtaining or upgrading their FCC licenses. Additionally, our Volunteer Examiner (VE) team holds regularly scheduled and special exam sessions throughout the year. These exam sessions are open to all wishing to obtain or upgrade their licenses.

Thank you for your support. 

Dues Payment

To join or renew your membership to the Kachina ARC, click on one of the payment buttons below. You can pay with either a PayPal account or a debit/credit card.

Regular dues are $20 per person plus 91 cents processing fee.

Family dues are $30 per family plus $1.11 processing fee.

Come Join Us!

If you would like to join the Kachina ARC, please click here to submit your membership application.