Technical Library

This page provides a library of technical references, based on Kachina club meeting presentations and other topics. Topics are grouped into categories as shown below. Click on any of the tabs to view the topics.


Repeaters and Nets in the White Mountains

Presented by Jim Mortensen, W7AZY, Feb. 11, 2020

Program Your Baofeng Radio for GMRS

Presented by Randy Beecroft, W7RJB, March 10, 2020

References: Radio Documentation Project

To program your Baofeng radio for a GMRS Repeater, please refer to the following linked document. This information was provided courtesy of the Rim Country ARC.


Program Your Baofeng Radio without a Computer

Provided by Mike Abernathy, NM3S, October 21, 2022

If you own a Baofang UV5R radio, this is for you.

While we mostly use Chirp or some other computer software to program our radios, there are times when one may need to program a radio in the field withOUT the use of Chirp and a computer. 

I’ve included a PDF file with instructions on how to program a Baofang UV5R from the keypad.  I modified the original file to make it narrower so you should be able to enlarge the print to make it readable without having to scroll side-to-side as you often have to do with PDF files on a phone.  The instructions include programming both SIMPLEX and REPEATER (with shift and PL tone or DCS) frequencies into your Baofang UV5R.  The process for a repeater is a bit complicated, but I’ve tried it and it works.

Lest anybody think I’m a genius who could come up with this, I did NOT write this article.  I found the original article on the web site below, and I suggest you read it if you’re interested in Baofang radios.

DTMF Tones and How to Use Them

Presented by Randy Beecroft, W7RJB, April 9, 2020

Header text

Getting Started with LoTW

Provided by Vince Cattolica, KA7JOI, April 2020

Logbook Of The World (LoTW) is a computer based logging program created and maintained by ARRL. The following links provide a 2-part presentation describing how to use LoTW.

Getting Started with LoTW – Part 1

Getting Started with LoTW – Part 2

Emergency Operations

Presented by Jim Mortensen, W7AZY, Jan. 12, 2021

All emergencies are different so there isn’t a real step by step procedure to follow. Responding to an emergency requires monitoring your radio 24/7 and being willing to assist distress and emergency calls. The attached paper provides some additional ideas and recommendations.

Emergency Operations


Presented by Matt Lunati, N7OEI, May 10, 2022

The following slides summarize Matt’s presentation on GMRS.


Presented by Randy Beecroft, W7RJB, March 9, 2021

Winlink is a worldwide radio email service that uses radio pathways where the internet is not present. It is also capable of operating completely without the internet‐‐automatically‐‐using smart‐network radio relays.

Winlink had its origins with the sailing community with email, position reporting and weather information. It now has a substantially broader role supporting emergency and disaster relief communications.

Click on the link below to view the full presentation.


Off-Grid Power for Portable Operations

Presented by Randy Beecroft, W7RJB, July 9, 2020

There are a few considerations to make when operating portable and off grid. The attached presentation explores some of these things and hopefully will help you to understand some of the thoughts that go into the decision of choosing a way to power your portable station.

Off-Grid Power for Portable Operations


Setting Up a Battery Maintenance System with a Lithium Battery

Provided by Vince Cattolica, KA7JOI, June 2022

This article provides information on how to set up a solar “battery maintenance” system for your lithium battery.

Click here for further information

Power Wiring for Mobile Radios

Provided by Vince Cattolica, KA7JOI, Sept. 1, 2020

Some time ago I was asked by a new ham about how to install a mobile radio in his vehicle. My response to him was something like, do not use the cigarette lighter because the wiring and fuse to the cigarette lighter are, most likely, not designed to carry the load his transceiver will put on the circuit. I then suggested he run a separate circuit directly off the battery to avoid the problems that might arise by using the cigarette lighter socket. I suggested using a separate circuit for two good reasons. The first reason for powering his radio directly from the battery is that he can install and fuse a circuit designed to handle the current he will need for his radio. The other reason for running a separate circuit is that he can operate the radio without having to have the engine running.

Power Wiring for Mobile Radio Installations

The above article discusses the installation of a fuse in the “+” positive cable but doesn’t discuss putting one in the “-” negative cable. Here is some additional discussion of this topic.

One Fuse or Two; That is the Question!

Blade Fuse Color Codes

Provided by Vince Cattolica, KA7JOI, May 24, 2022

Have you every tried to read the size or “rating” of a blade fuse? And have you ever wondered why some are one color and others another color? Click on this link for some good information on the subject.

Blade Fuse Color Codes

Grounding and Bonding

Presented by Bill Turley, KJ7GYH, Feb. 9, 2021

Bill’s presentation was based on “Grounding and Bonding for the Little Pistol & Medium Gun” by Ward Silver, N0AX. See the following links:



Basics of Lightning Protection

Presented by Kevin Parmenter, KG5Q, Oct. 12, 2021

Please click on the link below to view the presentation, “Basics of Lightning Protection for Communications Towers”.


Copper and Aluminum Wire Differences

Provided by Vince Cattolica, KA7JOI, April 5, 2021

This article describes the differences between copper and aluminum wiring and the limitations and characteristics of each material for use in electrical wiring. Click on the link below for access.

Aluminum Wiring Article

RF Exposure Calculation

Presented by Rick Paquette, W7RAP, November 9, 2021

Here are the web pages for the ARRL Calculator Rick spoke of in his presentation.

The presentation is attached here.


Construction of a J-Pole Antenna for 2m

Provided by Randy Beecroft, W7RJB, February 2021

If you like building good antennas, this one is for you. The J-pole is a slim, omnidirectional, half-wave antenna fed at the end through a quarter-wave shorted transmission line. Its predecessor is the famous “Zepp” antenna developed for the Zeppelin airship. Both antennas have served many hams around the globe well. While the Zepp is easy to calculate, the J- pole is not; in fact, a one-percent error can throw you out of the band. However, when calculated properly, the J is an excellent candidate for a base station on the popular 144 to 148 MHz band, with a 1:1 VSWR and good efficiency.

McBride J-Pole Ladder Line Antenna

Provided by Randy Beecroft, W7RJB, April 2020

McBride J-Pole Ladder Line Antenna

How to Make a Tiger Tail Antenna

Provided by Mike Abernathy, NM3S, August 7, 2023

A tiger tail is a 1⁄4 wavelength antenna wire that “completes the dipole” for HTs, giving them a vertical dipole antenna that works much better than the 1⁄4 wavelength vertical “rubber duck” antenna (without a ground plane) that generally comes with HTs.

How to Make a Tiger Tail

Field Day Antennas

Presented by Randy Beecroft, W7RJB, June 11, 2020

The attachment linked below provides Pros and Cons to help you choose what you want to use. This is by no means all that there is to know about these different types of antennas, but it is a starting point to help you decide what would work best for you. I would invite all of the members to search the Internet and You Tube to gain more in depth information on each type of antenna.

Field Day Antennas

Directional Antennas

Presented by Randy Beecroft, W7RJB, August 13, 2020

Greater Bridgeport Amateur Radio Club, Youtube channel – Fox hunting antenna attenuator:

RASA, Youtube channel – DF loop construction

Tracking interference:

NT1K – VHF 3 Element Tape Measure Yagi Antenna

Step by Step How to Build a 2 Meter Three Element Tape Measure Yagi

Part 1:

Part 2:

Pictures of tape measure antenna and plans from Dennis, W7DRW:

Using Antenna Analyzers

Presented by Randy Beecroft, W7RJB, March 12, 2024

Using Antenna Analyzers

PL259 Connector Installation

Prepared by Vince Cattolica, KA7JOI, April 2020

Connecting a PL259 to Coax Cable

Blog Posts

This section summarizes blog posts that cover technical topics not covered under one of the other categories. Click on the title or “Continue reading” to view the complete article.