Motus Wildlife Tracking Project

As we learned at the October 2023 club meeting, the club has the opportunity to assist the Arizona Game and Fish Department with a wildlife telemetry tracking project.  It’s called the Motus Wildlife Tracking Project and is international in its coverage. A PowerPoint presentation is included below.  More can be found at

The project uses stationary, permanently mounted receivers that are constantly listening for radio-tagged wildlife to pass by them with any detections passed on to a central database server in near real time.

As far as the Kachina Amateur Radio Club involvement goes, this project is open to anybody with any kind of interest and knowledge level.  Hopefully, we can turn this into a productive learning experience.  With a little assistance, it is relatively easy to learn to put these receivers together or host a station if you have a tower in just the right location.

Motus Wildlife Telemetry System

Possible activities for club members include building a receiver, antenna construction, and hosting a station.

Anyone interested in helping out should email President Kevin and we will get back to you with possible meeting dates.  In your email to Kevin, indicate if there are any bad days or evenings for you to make a meeting.  We may establish regular recurring meetings, if needed.  Thanks!!!