Picture Gallery & Club Posts

Soldering Class Pictures

Here are a few pictures from the soldering class held on March 14, 2020. The class took place at Randy Beecroft’s “Hangout” in Linden.   Dennis Wilkes was the instructor and gave a presentation on basic soldering practices and then the participants took home a digital clock they assembled.

Arizona QSO Party

The 11th running of the Arizona QSO Party is October 12 & 13, 2019. A record number of logs were received last year. Plaques will be presented to all category winners. The Arizona Prickly Pear Cactus Jelly awards will be presented to the top New Contesters. Create the ARRL-AZ QSL for working the Arizona Section Manager W7RAP. Detailed participation certificates can be created by all entrants. The Bonus Station this year is W7A. Results will be published shortly after the logs due date of October 23. Join the party, make some contacts, and have ham radio fun in the AZQP! Check the Arizona QSO Party website www.azqsoparty.org for up-to-date information on awards, activated counties, multiplier abbreviations, resources, logs received, results and more.

Technician License Exam Class

Preparation Class to Take the Technician Class Amateur Radio License Exam

This item is for the folks that wish to join a great hobby and become amateur radio operators. The Kachina Amateur Radio Club is sponsoring a two-day class to assist those interested in passing the Technician class FCC license exam. The first part of the class for this TWO DAY event will be on Saturday, September 28, 2019 from 8am to noon. The second part will be on Sunday, the 29th from noon to 5pm. We will meet in the cafeteria at the Solterra Senior Center, 5408 Hwy. 260 (White Mountain Blvd), Lakeside, AZ.

This instruction will be free of charge. If you take the exam for the technician class exam at the Solterra Senior Center on October 5, 2019, that will be free of charge also.

To participate in this session, please contact Doug, NQ5G at 928-532-7438. If there’s no answer, please leave a message with your name, phone number and email. I will get back to you. What a great opportunity to get started in HAM RADIO!

Field Day 2019

Kachina Amateur Radio Club Field Day is this Saturday, June 22, 2019.
Details of time, location, and what to bring are all included on the attached flyer. Here is a clickable link to the exact location:

Whether you enjoy contesting, learning, observing, or socializing, there will be plenty of fun for the whole family.